You Might be Dreaming Smaller Than God's Plan For You - Cynthia Omo
Cynthia is a graduate of Linguistics, Obafemi Awolowo University, a writer and a social media enthusiast. In this interview, she shares the story of her childhood , telling us how it affects her upbringing and made her to the woman she is today. So, how did you begin as a writer? Well, I am always known for the reader in the house. I spent a lot of my time as a child reading books and watching movies. These activities gave me a very creative mind. Most times, I'd try to recreate those stories in my head. Most of my words never made it to the public eye until a dear friend of mine pushed, suggesting that I started with sharing my stories on Facebook. And it all just fell in place afterwards. And Speaking? I always was, still am, the talker. I was never the shy one so that sort of came easy for me. Even in your writings, you talk. (Laughs) Yea I've heard people say that. They say they can hear me talk just by reading what I write. How was growing u...