
Showing posts from January, 2020

How To Write A Business Plan That Will Attract Investors - Istifanus Sarki

How To Write A Business Plan That Will Attract Investors Do business plans still work? Cos it looks like many have written business plans for their new idea or business, and it has not gone beyond that stage. On the other way round, many had started small businesses without ever knowing what business plan is, or attempting to have one, and their business is doing fine and fetching wow results. While ruminating on that, I realized why it don't work, and how it can work. Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. Every investor want to feel confident they’ll see a return on their investment. And your business plan is the tool you’ll use to convince people to invest in your plan. A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It’s a way to think through the key elements of your business. WHY YOU ...

Challenges of TV Industry and how to overcome them: 11 Steps

Challenges of TV Industries and how to overcome them It looks like the more TV stations spring up, the less people watch them. If you agree with me. Now let's start off by defining this, cos some people simply mix it up. The TV industry here is referred to as network, the type that is mostly owned by the government of each state. Aha! That's it.  The challenges that abound in the TV industry is not a few. Many consider the TV Industry as a form of media that is speedily going extinct. How true is that?  A video company president, Adrian Lee Magill attempts answering by asking, Would you buy a typewriter instead of a computer?  He continued by describing the TV industry as an industry in decline which cannot compete with the adaptability of the internet. He ended with a powerful statement that, you may argue, is true. ...TV is dying. Adrain (2017) Sadly, these challenges that the TV industry is facing is a global problem. While we tackle this issue from...

Why A Business Plan Might Be The Only Solution To Your Business

Why A Business Plan Might Be The Only Solution To Your Business If you fail to plan, your failure has just begun. Every boss, business owner, MD, CEO, Religious Leader, etc, knows that when they wake up in the morning and set out to work without planning what to do for the day and what to achieve, have wasted the entire day even without starting it at all. Do you know that you can't achieve your goal for the year if your goal for the day is hard to accomplish? This is the very reason most businesses don't succeed. In a nutshell, a business plan is an information contained in a paper that tells you the Genesis to Revelation of your business. If you ever need a business seer, your business plan is one, because everything you hope to do has been analyzed, forecasted, and backed up with facts and figures. This is why some  consultants will charge you high for a business plan. In some cases, the charges are  worth the job. For instance, I did a business plan for a cli...


SOLVING HOUSING CRISIS IN LAGOS Among the three basic needs of man, Housing in Lagos has become a major concern. Many in Lagos are not comfortable with where they live, but cannot do much about it due to the cost of renting, building or buying a more comfortable house. Several entrepreneurs have attempted solving it. Some are still attempting. However, this is beyond a one man's effort. In this article is my attempt to analyze the problems, causes, and possible solutions. ABOUT LAGOS Lagos has a population of more than 22million inhabitants and over 500,000 people adding to the Lagos population every year. It is one of the few cities that have become so big and spanned into another state such that inhabitants of the neighbouring states see themselves more as lagosians than of the state they are in. A perfect example is Sango ota and Mowe in Ogun State which shares boundary with Lagos. A good number of houses in Lagos lay vacant, especially on the island with no occupan...