Why Most Businesses In Nigeria fail and Few Succeed

The answer to why most businesses fail in Nigeria and why only few succeed is staring at us in the face/ With over 200 Million people who needs different basic amenities, goods and resources daily, and with the present unemployment rate in the country, individuals venture into small scale and large scale businesses, something to put food on the table. But it has been observed that very few of these businesses thrive while others don't see the light of the day. Whether large Scale or Small Scale, if quality ideas, innovations, plans and strategies aren't put to us then the business is vulnerable and liable to be blown by the wind of market competition. Market is war, and it takes entrepreneurs with proper business plan to survive. Here are the reasons m ost Businesses Fail in Nigeria: Why Most Businesses In Nigeria fail and Few Succeed 1) I nadequate and insufficient research about business Proper research about what the target market actually needs, why they need it and when ...