12 Frequently Asked Questions About Social Media Marketing Answered

There is no more doubt that social media is one of the biggest businesses the world has witnessed in the 21 st century. It has created more access to information than there has ever been. And even so, some business owners and marketers are still lagging behind, some with different reason for not wanting to venture into the social media world. This brings to my mind the need to intimate you on some of the thing people consider and the question people frequently ask. Check out the questions, some of which you might be battling with, and learn to improve your social media marketing strategies. Why do I really need Social Media? The need for social media far outweighs what you think or feel about it. Get this clear. In this internet age, you don’t look for customers. Customers look for you. Whenever you attempt searching for 100 client/customers in Lagos or Abuja, note that there are at least 1000 of them out there all over the world, looking for you on their ...