Make Money With Plastic Bottles: 6 Proven Ways

Can you really make money with plastic bottles? My girlfriend once told me, on stepping into Ibadan, that Ibadan is a dirty place compared to Akure. That got me thinking until recently when it occurred to me that that in itself is a business idea. Now if you are acquainted with business, you will realize that business idea don’t always come when you sit down and designate a time to think up one. It just jumps into your thought when you are doing something, or probably nothing, or as a result of a happening or a situation. That’s a bonus for you. Don’t thank me. What are friends for? So, I went on to think of things that one can use plastic bottles for, and make cool cash, instead of merely throwing them into the recycling bin or on the ground. And I came up with a few ideas. Ready to launch? Let’s do this. 6 proven ways to make money with Plastic Bottles Collect bottles You could get kids or wondering children to get them for you in exchange for a t...